Create New Projects and Upload Drawings to Togal.AI



8 minutes
Table of Contents

With Togal.AI, setup new projects in seconds. Continue reading below to learn how.

Table of Contents

Create New Projects

Attach Drawings To Projects

Adding Drawings

Single Drawing Files

Multiple Drawing Files

Viewing the Project

List View

Grid View

Drop Down Menu

Create Sets for Drawings

Creating Sets

Switching Between Sets

Move a Drawing to a New Set

Rearrange the Order of Drawings

Create New Projects 

From the dashboard, click on the “projects” button. Find it at the top left of the interface as shown below.

Create New Projects

To create a new project, click on the “new project” button located on the top right.

Create New Projects

Name the project and select “create project”.

How to Create New Projects

Now, the project has been created. Return to the projects page by either:

  1. Clicking on the “projects” button
  1. Clicking on the title.

Attach Drawings To Projects 

Adding Drawings

Add drawings to projects by clicking on the “add drawings” button at the top right and insert a drawing file.

Attach Drawings To Projects

Insert two types of files: 

  1. Files containing multiple drawings 
  2. Files with a single drawing 

After the files have been uploaded, click on the “select pages” button.

Single Drawing Files

With single drawing files, add the drawing to the project by selecting the page and clicking  “add to set''at the top-right.

Clicking again on the “add drawings” button, you will see the uploaded files.

Multiple Drawing Files

With a multiple drawing file, choose which drawings to import into the project. 

Select the pages or select “choose all.” Next, click on the “add to set” button to include all the selected pages in the project.

Viewing the Project

Choose how to view the project, either in list view or grid view. Sort projects by alphabetical order, date added, or date modified.

  1. List View
  1. Grid View
  1. Drop Down Menu
  1. Alphabetical Order
  2. Date Added
  3. Date Modified

Create sets for Drawings

Creating Sets

Create sets for drawings  to separate plans according to revision. Click “manage sets” at the top left.

Name the set and select “Done.” 

Switching Between Sets

Click on the drop down menu and select another revision to view those drawings.

Moving a Drawing to a New Set

To move one or multiple drawings to a new set, select the drawings and click “move to set”. Next, select the set to relocate the drawings to. 

Rearrange the Order of Drawings

Rearrange the order of the drawings by dragging to the desired position.

This tutorial should have shown how to create new projects with Togal.AI. Book a demo here.