Togal.AI is Complete Takeoff Software.
We have AI but also, you're able to complete every other scope of work you need in Togal. At Togal we never stop innovating, the AI is always getting better and picking up more scope of work to assist our users!
Industry-Leading Features
Automation Counter
Automatically count furniture, bathroom fixtures, sinks, and cooktops in seconds with the Togal Button
AI Image Search
To count any furniture, fixtures, or equipment drawn on a set of plans in seconds.
Export Excel
Easily export to excel
Togal.AI Text Search
Togal.AI Text Search works with any file format, even if it’s not a sophisticated PDF. Instantly find different types of lighting fixtures, furniture, equipment, and many others across all your drawings.
Auto Naming
Automatically name your plans in seconds. Say goodbye to hours of your time lost manually typing in sheet numbers and titles!
Enable multiple people to work on the same project in real time. Share plans with other suppliers or contractors easier than ever.
Easy to use
Easy to use Takeoff system
Leading the Way Like No Other in the Industry
We are honored to have been recognized both nationally and internationally for our revolutionary software.